External Peer Review Services

The External Peer Review Services of NPRC provide an impartial evaluation of a physician's clinical performance or professional conduct which, for whatever reason, cannot be resolved internally. The NPRC External Peer Review Services include:

Case Review
Disruptive Provider Review
Clinical Department Review
Hospitalist Program Review

The NPRC focus is professionalism and quality

NPRC is proud of its reputation for professionalism and quality. NPRC peer reviewers are board certified, highly qualified, experienced in peer review and maintain active medical practices. In addition, NPRC's internal quality assurance procedures ensure that no single peer reviewer presents recommendations to the hospital without consultation and oversight from the NPRC staff and legal counsel.

Our professionalism also extends to a commitment to appropriate and effective communication with our hospital clients. From the onset, NPRC’s executive staff confirms the terms of the peer review engagement, including any special qualifications that may be required of the NPRC peer reviewer, specific questions to be answered by the NPRC peer reviewer, information necessary for the review, as well as cost and date of completion. This process avoids delays and confirms that the NPRC Report will provide the depth and scope of review required by the hospital. Additionally, our clients are continuously apprised of the status of ongoing peer reviews to allow appropriate planning and reporting within the hospital’s administration.

See also:

Case Review Reports

Hospital Peer Review Guide II: An Effective Peer Review Report